Thursday, December 1, 2011

Journal #10

Point/Counterpoint: Is the Digital Native a Myth?

Martinez, S., & Prensky, M. (2011). Point/counterpoint: Is the digital native a myth?. Learning & Leading, 39(3), Retrieved from

Summary: The article begins with the question: is the digital native a myth? It gives two viewpoints,
yes or no. In the yes portion of the article, the author discusses how "Digital Immigrant" and "Digital 
Native" are catchy phrases, but are they sufficient in defining the surge of technologically advanced 
adolescence and the lack of technologically savvy adults? Unfortunately, these catchy phrases do 
nothing for the actual computing process and how technology helps learners. Catchy phrases need 
not be confused with guiding principles in education. Students need to understand why adults think 
technology is important and make sure they are being active participants in the process. It is 
important to remember that both students and teachers are life-long learners. In the no portion of the 
article, the author discusses how it is pointless to discuss whether the digital native is a myth because 
it is just a term to describe young adults that were born in the digital age. It is however, an important 
term because it encompasses a huge reality of the 21st century and hold a lot of power in the digital 

Q1: Can using terms like "Digital Native" or "Digital Immigrant" have any negative connotations associated with it that can be harmful in a classroom?
A1: These terms are just catch phrases. They should be taken lightly as just a way to describe whether or not someone was born in the digital age or not. It is true that some may take this negatively but that is not its intent.

Q2: What power does technology hold in the classroom?
A2: It can be argued that technology holds the majority of the power in the classroom. Not only are blogs by teachers being posted, students are using technologically advance learning programs, using microsoft products for essays and assignments, teachers are using Docu-cam's and other devices for displaying information in front of the class. These are essential for a classroom and as we continue in the digital age, we will see more and more technology arising.

Journal #9

Reading Redefined for a Transmedia Universe

Lamb, A. (2011). Reading redefined for a transmedia universe. Learning and Leading with Technology, 39(3), 12-17. Retrieved from

Summary: In this article, Lamb proceeds to redefine the meanings of the words "book" and "reading." She decided that a more appropriate definition for book, given the advancement in technology we are seeing, is: a published collection of related pages or screens. Reading she redefined as: the process of constructing meaning from symbols. She then explores five electronic reading devices (e-books, interactive storybooks, reference databases, hypertext and interactive fiction, and transmedia storytelling) which has given students many more options on how they would like to read. The major question of this article was whether or not technology-based reading enhanced or distracts students from the learning experience. The answer lies in whether or not the technology helps struggling readers with tools such as clarification of content, factors that contribute to the mood of the story or cues that lead readers to important events. The harm in these devices is that there can be too many "bells and whistles" that distract the reader and are really just eye candy instead of focusing on the content of the reading which is the part of the reading experiences that provides value to a learner. She stresses the importance of distinguishing fact from fiction which can be a problem in the e-realm. At the end of the day, children love e-books and it is up to the educators to adapt and use these tools to their advantage in the classroom. 

Q1: Do you think it is appropriate for child to be shying away from paper books and exploring the world of e-books?

A1: Regardless of whether there is negatives of e-books or not, they are here. Children are interested in technology and integrating this into an environment that can be used for learning and to an educators advantage is important. Educators need to find new ways to relate to their kids and get on board with e-reading.

Q2: What are some of the negative affects that may be seen in the classroom when it comes to e-reading?

A2: It is always a possibility with e-books that there may be too many distractions with all of the "apps" and cool tools that are a part of devices such as the Kindle. It is important to be aware that e-books can end up being another toy for a child if not directed toward the academic side of reading electronically.